Monday, February 28, 2011

Fight, Fight, Fight Fight Fight!

I was talking to a friend out in DC the other day about the 60's, of all things. Probably anyone who lived during the 60's and 70's would have laughed at our naive, outsider's perspective on all that happened "back then".
She mentioned how you could tell what subculture a person from that time came out of--the hippies, the soldiers, or the Jesus people--by what they're fighting for/against today.
I think it's funny how so many cultural patterns were set then, and how they still influience our thinking today, more so than the generations that followed. My friend was noticing how all of the pastors from that time seem to want to be fighting, but they don't really know what they're fighting anymore. I don't even know what to think of that, but I do think that, a lot of folks who came out of the 60's and 70's have an axe to grind. I didn't notice it in my parents, but I can see it in prominent political figures, disillusioned by their idealism from the 60's, planning to save the world with government now. I can see it in many Christians, too, who think that the Church is actually the problem with Christianity.
And I think, maybe we're in a similar place that those folks were in. Disillusioned with the government, in the midst of a war that so few people support, dissatisfied with the religious establishment. Maybe we're at another breaking point. And maybe we don't realize it. As my friend said, maybe no one realizes that they're in a moment in history that will be studied and analyzed for years to come, when they're in that moment, just living and looking at the present.
Right now, I feel like we're looking at overturned old soil that's grown the last generation's crops, and we're ready to plant something new. All kinds of things can grow there. Between religion, technology, economics and government, I think we're in for a mixed crop. I don't want to be in the free-spirited camp, or the military camp. Or people who are putting their hope in establishments at all. I want to be in with the people following God's lead, establishing the only thing that's going to last. His Kingdom.


Scarlet-O said...

I have to agree with you 100% here... I think, again, we only differ in semantics... people for god, people for the spirit, independent thinkers, people for truth... Whatever love and beauty you can give or receive... Not standing on a soapbox somewhere... People today are coming out of being lost I think, but, I think, we're all sort of starting to see the light.

Faith_Trust_Hope said...

One thing I really appreciate about you is that you really get me. Even if you don't agree with me, you understand what I mean even if my words may be unclear to others. Thanks!