Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Another winter Story

I was born in Northeast Montana in one of the backwoods hospitals, in the middle of the worst snow storm anyone had seen in years. during my first few days, the snow drifts in the country grew to be ten feet tall. The plow tried to go through, but it broke and turned around, not to return for weeks.
My parents decided to take me out to the farm, where my grandparents were, where my brother was probably waiting to meet his sister. they couldn't drive all the way there, though. They met my grandpa there at the biggest snow drift with a snowmobile. They had me in a little box, wrapped up in blankets, so sure enough, they drove me the last couple of miles on a snowmobile. Four days old. Freezing cold.
That's where I'm from. Maybe that's why I like snow storms.

1 comment:

Jill H said...

You have the best stories!