Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Confessions of a Big-Mouthed Woman

I had this strange dream last night, and the details have become hazy but I think that maybe my brainw as trying to tell me something. In my dream, I had had this conversation with my sister-in-law, and then we went on with the day. Later that night, someone (I think her husband) told me that I had wounded her. And I had no idea how. Then I replayed our conversation and realized that I'd said so many hurtful things.
It didn't really happen. Although I'm sure it has, and I haven't realized it.
I'm not the kind of person who chit-chats just for entertainment or to get to know people. I do that out of necessity because it seems to be what women like to do. When i'm talking with someone, I'd rather just relay important information or share what's on our hearts. Small talk isn't my thing.
But I think in small talk, I say all kinds of things that I don't mean. And I don't even realize it until later. Or never. I want to try to reign it in a little. Say fewer things and think more before I talk. It's something me and God have been discussing lately. (Probably the cause of the dream, since it's been on my mind so much).
If I've done this to you, PLEASE know, I'm not trying to be a jerk. Probably I just said something that came out wrong and I didn't even realize it. Tell me. I'll give you a sincere apology. Tell me if you hear me do it to someone else, for that matter. I'm kind of dense.


Karen H said...

I've felt the same way before....accidentally saying the wrong thing and not realizing it. (or not knowing what to do if I do realize it).

Faith_Trust_Hope said...

big deal to apologize online!