Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Infobesity, and fasting from technology

So I read this article today that got me thinking. I shared it on facebook, but I wanted to write something about it quickly here. It was really good (click on the title of this post to see the article), pointing out how we become addicted to our on-the-spot social networks and email and internet, forgetting the world around us. There were a lot of good points there. Basicaly, it came down to "infobesiety":

"Susan Maushart, author of the new book, The Winter of Our Disconnect, describes this kind of addiction to media with the marvelous term “infobesity.” Just as Americans have a growing reputation—if you’ll pardon the pun—for physical obesity, we also have an expanding commitment to staying “connected” through social media such as Facebook and devices such as smart phones."

Interesting? Personally, I'm a little offended when I'm talking with someone and they're checking their phone every five minutes (or seconds), sending texts and really, only half-engaged in what I'm saying. I don't have a smart phone so I can't really say how it should be, but I decided today to make an effort to be less consumed by the internet world, and focus more on God, and connect face-to-face with tangible people more. Because, more often than not, I'm wasting time reading about what someone ate for lunch, when I could be talking to my neighbor about what's in her soul. I don't want to be an addict. It's annoying.

So, here it is, internet world. I'm going to take Wednesdays off. No internet. I'll try it for a month, and hopefully can have enough will power to stick with it even longer. Who wants to join me?


Deborah said...

Hopefully you won't read this today... :-) I just finished reading The Shallows by Nicholas Carr along the same lines. Definitely made me think!

Karen H said...

Let me know how it goes!