Monday, August 30, 2010


I was thinking about going to the doctor to find out if I'm having anxiety issues. Then I decided that maybe I should just take care of them myself. Way to add another thing to the plate, K.
I've been trying to exersize and eat healthier. I had my thyroid tested and it was normal (just had to check).
But I still feel like crap. Like I start my tank at a quarter full every day and then there's nothing left when I get done. By supper I'm ready to pull my hair out.
I think part of it's the teething toddler who likes to throw fits and make everyone feel her pain. and the whiney 3-year-old who seems to be having teenage angst all of the sudden. And my husband's stupid job with stupid managers who keep making promises to customers that no one can keep.
And me and the bad attitude and negative thoughts that swarm around me all the time. It's a little overwhelming these days.
Tonight we were visiting with a friend who's a missionary with the Navigators. And through the course of the conversation, I just realized how un-focused I am. How self-centered I get and how that makes the stress mount up to unbearable amounts.
Tomorrow's goal: Renew my mind. Put Christ back at the center of the universe where He belongs and stop worrying so much about my heart. Absorb His grace. Be transformed.


Scarlet-O said...

yes but just dont YELL those words at yourself like "ABSORB HIS GRACE, GODDAMNIT!!!! UGHHH, why can't you just ABSORB it ALREADY????"

thats what i find myself doing. and it is thoroughly unbueno.

ks said...

Yeah but then I realize that it's just there already when I change my perspective. There's a book called "true Faced" about it. Don't know if you'd be interested but it was pretty good.