Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I'm thinking of starting a new blog. Call Bad Rap. And it will be a collection of bad poetry, written by myself and others. I think it would be hilarious, although insulting. But people like Doctor House, don't they?
Here's my first sample, written by me in about 3 minutes. Because I obviously have nothing profound to say today.

Sore Throat

I don't want to gloat
but it only took 3 days
to rid myself of the sore throat.
And in that time I spent on the couch
laying there, saying "ouch ouch ouch"
The house became a mess
the weather got nice
and yet I felt the bed entice.
Now my back is sore
my kitchen smells like blore
and I have chores galore.
But it only took 3 days
for the sore throat to go away.


Scarlet-O said...


tonguebit, nodding.

Scarlet-O said...

can i contribute my ode to Dr House from circa April '10, since you mention him anyway?

ks said...

Sure i'll let you know if I start it