Thursday, July 09, 2009

Tiffanie's Place

The house they live in is one of those old mansions that was probably built around the turn of the century when the neighborhood was new and beautiful, with long stretching lawns and no businesses around. Now it's a run-down former apartment building surrounded by businesses and other run-down houses. It's a little unnerving when you first show up to visit, but when you come inside, you are welcomed and you feel a sense of warmth. Tiffanie's decorated it with her own flare, with decorations that detract from the shoddy paint jobs, loose boards, and watermarks. She moved there with her family (husband and four kids) to "do ministry" in the ghetto through a church whose mission is to reach out to the urban community in our area.

She keeps her home like she lives her life--beautiful, with a welcoming air, not afraid of sharing her weaknesses and struggles. Her past is a long story full of scars and darkness, but her life in Christ is new and fresh. Just like her home, the outside might look similar to everyone else's in the neighborhood, but inside there is a contrasting peace and elegance. I want to be that way. I want to be comfortable wherever I am, willing to share my life and goods with others. I want where I live to be a reflection of that, no matter what neighborhood it's in and how old the house is. I want my friends to feel home with me.

I don't see Tiffanie very much anymore, because so many of the things we did together have changed. But I don't mind the chance to visit her in her "Haven in the Hood" and talk about things pertaining to life and godliness. I consider it a privilege.

1 comment:

Faith_Trust_Hope said...

Wow! I like this, it makes me smile. Yep, that is what was needed. Blessings on them and blessings on you as you write and figure out how to tell the story - do you think the time is right yet to fictionalize the story?