Monday, June 01, 2009

9 Years ago... commencement.

I went to a local school's commencement ceremony this weekend, because several kids I know from young life were graduating. I couldn't believe how similar all of the ceremonies in my town are for each school. It was like sitting through my own commencement all over again. Minus being with friends and listening to people I know talk on stage.
It got me thinking--remembering, and it's put me in this nostalgic place all weekend.
My senior year was awesome. I liked my classes. I had lots of friends at school. I had a job but no living expenses, a car I could drive wherever I wanted. I was taking piano lessons, and helping out with stuff at church. And I had a great boyfriend. STill, I don't think I'd go back, except maybe to figure out how to keep my friends longer.
Nine years ago, I sat in the same place as some of those kids at graduation, thinking that the world was ahead of me, and SO GLAD to be done with high school. I thought my friends would be my friends forever. I planned so many things. But the things I planned didn't happen, really, mostly. And the friends I had in high school arne't really my friends anymore (save a couple, and I'm not saying I don't wish the other ones were still my friends because I love them all).

Better things happened. Because the plans I make aren't always as great as I think they are.

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