Thursday, May 30, 2013

Obnoxious words in the Ineternet Lexicon

My friend Dave (actually he's my husband's friend but he's so funny I claim his as mine too) recently posted this:

Question: What is the most obnoxious term to enter our lexicon in recent years?
Answer: The Selfie!
Seriously, can you think of one that is more obnoxious?
His friends listed a few (the last one is his wife being funny).

-What about totes; short for totally...since that is apparently too hard to say/type out
- i'm going to have to vote for "presh". shudder.
- the phrase...."I know, right"...ugh
- yolo, and I've even seen it used as a verb. Shudder
- Hey, I know - there's this adorbs lil park on the way home from work. Why don't we stop & we could go totes cray cray getting some presh selfies, cuz ya know, yolo, right? oh, nevermind, supposed to thundersnow later. (I now want to shoot myself typing all that)\

Well. I can think of the obnoxious ones. I have lots to say about this. And MORE! There are more abbreviations in "webspeak" than there are in the military, and those aren't even as obnoxious as these actual words invented by who knows what mass of so-called intelligent being? I'm probably going to blame the teenage crowd, but really that should probably be blaming the writers of Nickelodeon and Disney shows, or some phantom entity even more evil and dark than those mentioned. Where do these things come from? Another time. Another time.

When I was in high school, internet really didn't have its own language. People started saying "lol" and "prolly", and of course those were annoying. But maybe someone actually started doing the lol thing because they really did laugh out loud. I do that on occasion and a REALLY funny email or comment.
However, some yahoo had to go and take it to another level. ROTFL. REally? I have literally, actually, rolled on the floor laughing, I think twice in my life. Once was when I was tweleve, so... let's just think about that. 
Would it be so hard to just say, "That's funny!" or "You make me laugh"? Or just enjoy your own laughter?

Then there's "Yolo" which, the online urban dictionary defines as:
Abbreviation for: you only live once The dumbass's excuse for something stupid that they did Also one of the most annoying abbreviations ever....
I concur.  

Really, though, those stupid abbreviations are just the tip of the ice berg. Let's go on. Has anyone noticed these phrases popping up WAY TOO OFTEN on facebook?
"So true"
"Worth passing on"
"I know, right!"
Think about it before you say it. Seriously. Was that picture with the victorian era woman complaining about her refrigerator running, or that picture of the American flag and some pithy statmeent about being a true patriot, or that (shudder) picture of a cat saying something grumpy  REALLY worth passing on? I'm just wondering, and I'm also wondering how very true those things you say "so true" actually are? Or you just think it's funny and you want to send it on but you feel like you have to say something? So true.

Then, there are these horrible abbreviations where we take off the last sylable of the word. What good does that do? Like this?
Presh - Eeww.
Cray Cray - What have you got against the letter z!
Delish - even tastier than the ious? I think not.
Totes - Totally is way too hard to spell. Way.
I've got one word for all of this. Obnox. (And my clever brain made that one up all on my own!)

And then there are the old school ones that have been just as annoying all along (now longer). Peeps. Did anyone ever actually call their peers or friends "People"? Besides Michelle on Full House, or maybe Jesus. Or some foreign dictator/monarch. And now, it's "friends" on facebook and followers on twitter. Maybe I should start calling them my "freeps" and see how that flies.

Well. Such is the world we live in. And it is entertaining when you think about it. We're all collectively losing our vocabulary, and our intelligence with every minute we spend on the webs. Reminds me of this:

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