Friday, September 02, 2011

It's Not OK to Have Opinions Anymore

This is a personal rant, from my heart. Because I'm tired of "Discussing" things with defensive people who have chips on their shoulders that turn into "issues" that aren't even really issues. I don't have a specific person in mind here. Just the whole world. Except, of course, whoever agrees with me. ;)

Don't blow your personal pain out of proportion, thinking the whole world must fit into your box. We're all coming from different places in life.
Don't think, because you're more angry/passionate/vocal that I'm wrong.
Don't turn your inadequacies into problems with society. Maybe you just have a weakness. It's OK. we all do.
Don't discount me just because you don't like how I said something. Maybe my weakness is not saying things right.
Don't discredit my opinion. I didn't discredit yours automatically by disagreeing. didn't we already learn the difference between fact and opinion?
Don't call me close-minded. Some day we'll see who's right and wrong and I'm sure we'll both lie in both categories.
Don't think I don't care about you.
Don't attack my personal beliefs.
It's an opinion. If you didn't watn to discuss it, you shouldn't have brought it up.

1 comment:

Jill said...

I'm actually dealing with a similar situation with a guy in our small group. His opinion is the only correct opinion- everyone else is just wrong. It is driving me crazy! Debates and discussions-turned-to-debates stress me out that now I've gotten to where small group is no longer enjoyable.