Friday, September 02, 2011

Facebook, bane of banes.

Reasons I would like to quit facebook:

Waste of time. Hours lost. Hours.
Frivolous. If I could guarantee that people would only post something interesting I wouldn't mind reading everyone's posts. I'm sorry. I don't CARE where you're eating supper, unless you're inviting me to join you.
Big Brother. Too many details. Too many pictures. The Man can get whatever he needs to bring you down, baby.
People I don't Know that well. Did you have to friend me? Now I'm in a moral delima. We were in a wedding together and we'll probably never talk again. But if I ignore you now, you might be offended.
People I know well. But, what are we going to talk about now that you already told me that on facebook?
Yes, No or Maybe. I don't know if people used to be allowed to RSVP with maybe. But now that they can, it really puts a dent in planning things when everyone's holding off on their real answer to make sure there's nothing better happening that night.
Time suck. Oh, did I mention that? Why can't I keep away? Why can't I just be OK with not reading everyone's updates. Because, WHAT IF I MISS SOMETHING IMPORTANT. And that takes me back to the real life thing. Someone ASSUMES I know they're pregnant because they announced it on facebook, but I didn't happen to read all of those posts that day. Now I missed it and she's six months along and I'm still too afraid to ask for sure.
Misunderstandings. I guess some people just don't "get" me. Or, maybe having a platform to sound off any rash opinion i happen to have isn't the best thing for me. I don't know. But I don't like offending people, either way.
"Pass it on"s. OH THEYRE SO STUPID. QUIT. It's not helping anyone to post a little blurb about how great your second cousin is or why we should care more about soldiers. Maybe, we should just go and volunteer in the community.
Scams, especially the video sorts. I didn't really want to even see the title of that in my news feed. And really, if you haven't figured out by now that your seventy-year-old next door neighbor isn't the sort who would post a nasty video of Miley that isn't actually a video, then you shouldn't be on facebook anyway. Get your minds out of the gutter.

Reasons I can't talk myself into quitting facebook:

Friends. I don't want to miss what's happening. And secretly, I'm afraid they won't tell me if they put it on facebook because they expect me to just read it.
Long-distance friends. The people I never get to see but occasionally wonder how they're doing, what they're up to.
Family. It's pretty much the only way I stay in contact with my cousins.
Easy contact. I don't have to keep addresses on file. I can just facebook them!
Coupon blogs. They go in my news feed so I don't have to remember to check them every day. I've probably saved myself $10 by now.
Games. Not gonna lie. Sometimes I need a boggle fix, and I need it NOW.
The Happenings. I'm actually guilty of forgetting to invite a non-facebook friend to an event, because I invited everyone else via facebook., I don't want to be that person.
My window to the outside world. There are people who, let's face it, aren't ever going to actually talk to me in real life. but, they happen to be my facebook friend so I can see what's going on in those circles without ever having to be social. And, that's really the ultimate reason. I don't want to have to expend effort to talk to people. Sitting here on my butt, in the comfort of my own home, with Star Trek playing in the background, is so much easier than going OUT to a place and TALKING with my voice, to people whose comments require an immediate response. I'm funnier online, when I have time to think about it first. And that's the honest truth.


Jill said...

Like ;)

Jill said...

Now for the real comment: I agree and feel pretty much as you do. Especially when it come to those pass it on status crap. It has to be a really good and/or funny one before I would even slightly consider putting it in my status. Most of them are over done.

Faith_Trust_Hope said...

I like your dinner comments ;)

And yes - I'm tired of finding out through facebook that people are expecting a little one! I promise you - I will call! :) (hopefully soon)

Deborah said...

Love it!