Wednesday, February 04, 2009


I stumbled across the name in a names book, and it said the meaning for Jayna is "God has been gracious". I thought it was really fitting after the year we've had to praise the Lord for His gifts to us--not just children (although we feel that our bundle is beautiful evidence of His grace)--but all of the other wonderful things that we've experienced, despite the grief and sorrow. Plus, it's a pretty name.

Another source I just looked at said that the meaning for Jayna is "Bringer of victory", which is also sort of fitting. Through the pregnancy, I felt a lot of dispair and worry, wondering if everything would be OK and thinking about what would happen to my faith and my life if I lost another baby. In some ways, her birth was victory over those fears and again, evidence that God is in control and is faithful.

We chose the name Joy as a middle name for semi-obvious reasons. We have already found great joy in her precious little life. And not just shallow joy, but the God-joy that fills our lives and takes us through hard times. Our pastor came to pray with us before we had the baby (and before we'd shared the name), and he prayed that the joy of the Lord would be our strenth. It has, and it always will be. And Jayna is a reminder of that strength that brought us through the hardest year of our lives.


Tiffanie Lloyd said...

Love her name! And love the meaning! I'm jealous that Stephen got to hold her and I haven't even seen her... it had been a long day. :) If your up for it, I'd love to have you guys over next week. Kids can play, we can chat and I'll make soup and sandwiches.

Faith_Trust_Hope said...

Oh, I am so looking forward to meeting her!