Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Every Girl's Dream

I wasn't the sort of girl who dreamed about raising my own family my whole life. I didn't really want kids until I was holding Arlene in my arms, to be honest. But I sort of figured it was inevitable, what with getting married and all. Something that I did sort of dream of, though, in my years growing up with a couple of close girl friends, was our having kids who could grow up together just like we did.
It doesn't happen a lot. Other things get in the way. I got married several years before any of my friends did. They were finishing college and pursuing careers when I was having kids. Some of them aren't married yet. Sadly, I had Arlene alone in the girlfriend world. (we've since met some friends who have kids about the same age). But I got an extra blessing with Jayna, besides just being able to have her.
My best friend Bethany (I have several best friends, so don't anyone go and get offended) got pregnant at the same time I did. We had the same due date. It was great! So we got to exchange pregnant stories and compare our bellies. And now, we'll get to compare our kids and exchange stories about them. She named her baby Lydia Joy.
Our birthdays are two weeks apart exactly (she was born the year after me), and our kids' birthdays are one week apart exactly. It's not a really big deal, but I think it's great. Even if our kids hate each other, I still think it's cool that we got to share that.


Faith_Trust_Hope said...

I am really glad that you and Bethany get to share this part of your friendship together!

Faith_Trust_Hope said...

Confession: It makes me sad that I didn't get to go wedding dress shopping with you and my mom and everyone. I wasn't planning on buying a dress here, just getting an idea of what I like so it wouldn't take as much time when I was home.