Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Everyone Else

"Everyone else's babies don't fuss like this."
"Everyone else's baby wears new trendy clothes and we're stuck with these ones that are 6 years old and outdated."
"Everyone else's husband gets home in time for supper."
"Everyone else fit right back into their pre-pregnancy pants and I'm stuck in ones three sizes bigger!"

These are thoughts that keep creeping in, and I've been realizing how foolish they are. It's sort of the trouble with having a billion friends who all had babies at the same time as me. I don't usually compare so much. I try not to think about it. And I don't usually get jealous. But because I've been repeating these things to myself, I'm seeing all kinds of ugly results. The truth is, I don't even know everyone else. And even if I did, "Everyone" doesn't always anything. I'm not the only one in any single one of my problems. And even if I were, they would have problems of their own to deal with.
So. No more "everyone else" thoughts. Except for "Everyone else wishes their baby were this cute." :)

1 comment:

Heather said...

Did you finish the Unglued book? The last few chapters are about this topic.