Tuesday, November 27, 2012

December 13th

There are now going to be 3 people in our extended family with December 13th birthdays. My baby being one of them! That's the one nice thing about having to have c-sections. You can know ahead of time. (Although I still secretly hope I'll go into labor on my own. It could happen).
There are still so many things to organize and a lot of things I want to do. Christmas shopping hasn't happened whatsoever (and realistically won't). I need to keep on top of normal house work and school and every day life too. But I don't feel panicked or overwhelmed. At least not yet.
Just sitting around waiting for baby to pop out. (That's what the kids say happens anyway. They have no idea.)
Today I had my third to last OB appointment.
The count down has been going for a week now. Mostly because my hips hurt and I'm tired of having to pee all the time. And I sort of feel like I should be running around and finishing things and panicking. But it's reall all good. Because babies don't need new curtains and clean walls and cupboards or a well-organized routine. They just need Mommies and Daddies and love. And i think I'll be able to pull that off.

1 comment:

Katrina Custer said...

Hooray - so excited for you and your family. Your baby will have so much love!!!