Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Facebook Sucks

If your'e friends with me on facebook you might have noticed my update that said I wouldn't be checking anymore. It was a little harsh. I didn't check it for a few days. Now I've been checking only briefly. I've decided to stop fueling my boredom with life and relationships, and over filling my brain with random details about people who don't even care about me. I've decided that I need to use my computer less and instead, spend more time on the floor playing Candy Land and Memory and running outside through the mud, and picking up and doing laundry and reading. So, I will do what the wise people have been doing all along. I will stop obsessing. Stop filling every boring minute with something that bores the rest of the world. Here is my plan I wrote for myself.

How to phase out your facebook addiction:

1)Stop posting updates. You'll soon realize how much it absorbs your thoughts, and how narcissistic it is to wait for everyone's responses to your boring comments about laundry, work, the weather, and whatever other boring thing is on your mind.
2) Stop reading everyone's articles and watching their videos. A good way to do this is to check it when you don't have very much time because then you scan over the boring things and quickly realize that it was almost all boring.
3) read it when you're in a bad mood and don't give a crap about anyone's life because then you see how worthless almost everything people write on it is.
4) write letters or send cards to people you like.
5) Do not keep it running in your browser while you're doing other things. The temptation is to keep going back to see what's changed. Nothing's changed. Joe still works at 7-11. Your classmate with four kids still has a mound of laundry to do. Your aunt has planted flowers. Are you bored yet reading this?See my point? All that time you go back checking is actually a lot of time.
6) After a week or month hiatus, return yourself slowly. Think hadr before posting an update. Will it edify others? Is it really important for people to get to know you better? Is anyone going to care that you wrote it?
7) Also when you return from your hiatus, filter out things tyou don't want to read, so that you don't waste time reading about "Great Deals on Amazon" every time you try to look at your feed.
8) Do not repeat your unhealthy patterns. Find something better to replace your wandering time, like a book. Or playing a game with your kid. it is hard to do something more engaging, but I'm sure you'll find it more worth it in the end. You might discover that facebook was more of a time suck than you thought.
You might discover that your life feels a little less depressed.
You might find your days being a little more full and you might look back and wonder how you did spend that much time.
Or you might miss it and go back to what you consider to be your only social outlet. That's OK too.

So that's where I'm at with that. It will probably change, in all honesty. Things get a little boring around here. And there are people on face book that I simply CAN'T lose contact with and it's my only way of contacting them. So I won't disappear. At least not yet.

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