Monday, November 07, 2011


Lately I haven't been able to stop thinking about my best friend from high school. We aren't friends anymore, and I'm actually too dense to really know why, although I have an idea.
But it's sort of overwhelming once in a while, when those memories come up. Because they're more just like feelings. It's one of those subjects that hurts too much to really write well about, but i want to anyway, and I can't stop thinking about her. I've been praying because sometimes those un-erasable thoughts are actually something else, something spiritual that needs to be addressed. I don't know if that's true in this case but I've prayed anyway. Sometimes when a relationship ends yuo know it's over. Sometimes you know it's not. Sometimes you're just left to wonder.

I never thought I’d lose you
I never knew I could
All of those walks through the halls
And afternoon locker meetings
The notes and the secrets,
The songs and the feelings
Torn apart now like a shredded photograph
Me reaching, you hiding
Anger and pain slipping in between
All our insecurities, what we once called trust.

In my dreams I see you often
And we aren’t enemies.
You know how sorry I am
You know the real me.
And we walk off together like old friends should
Entwined by memories
Love stronger than friendship, unbroken by time
Lost in those fragile moments.
If I’d known then what I know now
I wouldn’t have said I hated pink.
I would have given you a chance to speak
And listened without judgment

Why is it so hard to forget about those days
When we were still friends
I’d like to think that you’re the one who changed
But I think you know we both did
I just can’t stop rewriting the end.
If I could do it over
I would a hundred times
But you’d tell me how you felt
And I’d know what to say
And somewhere in the middle we’d find a way
Or some common ground.
Instead of all the hiding and facades
and maybe we wouldn't both be so empty today.

1 comment:

Sara Skinner said...

Wow, Kristin! Thank you for sharing this blog. I've felt that way about friendships that have died along the way, but you put meaning to what I was feeling. Thank you! Your friend, Sara