Friday, January 21, 2011


No matter how old I get and what changes in life, I still find myself, so very often, dressed up with no place to go. Throwing parties that no one comes to. Not invited to the ones everyone else is going to. Introducing my friends to each other and finding that they like each other better than me.
Saying or doing something that a friend doesn't like and never hearing from them again.
Apparently I'm just not that fun to hang out with.
And today I'm freaking lonely. And I just wanted to go to a movie with some friends, but, out of at least twenty people, only two could come. And then those two had to change their plans.
And I'm alone.


Katrina Custer said...

I'm sorry you're alone and husband-less right now. ... You should have a gummy bear fight. :-) In all seriousness though, I'm praying for you.

karen said...

I enjoyed hanging out on Saturday.,...thanks for calling me.