Saturday, September 27, 2008


I have to vent. I don't think I can make it to November.

One of the first "hard lessons" we learn in life is "Don't believe everything you hear". What I want to know is, if that's the case, and we have that lesson ingrained in us to distrust society so much, then why do so many people believe every piece of media regarding political campaigns? Even if they're just believing what they choose to believe as fact, shouldn't they still be finding out whether or not it's true? Examining the context? Looking for reliability of "witnesses" and credibility of their sources?

I've always been pretty politically interested. I was a history major. I planned to be a social studies teacher. I served as a representative at the county Republican convention, and I have, since age 18, been to the polls to vote every two years. I stood on the side of a highway campaigning on election day when I was in college. And I think I will, in the future, continue to "help out" during campaign years, and fight for whatever causes I believe in. But. I have never been so sick--and sickened by politics as I am this year. I'm really just tired of it. So there. Now you know. If you're planning to strike up a political debate with me, count me out. I don't care anymore. I've decided who I'm voting for based on what I think is important. And I don't think that more mud slinging will change my mind.

1 comment:

Matt said...

I didn't realize you were interested in politics--though it doesn't really surprise me, for some reason.

I wholeheartedly agree with your second paragraph. There's no truth to be found in exclusively seeking out support for one's beliefs while ignoring evidence to the contrary. Some of the blame for that falls on the media, which has replaced truth with "balance", thinking that if the statements of "both sides" are reported, they have done their jobs. But much of the blame falls on the people who fall for the vapid, personal-attack, emotional-response, sound-bite approach to politics that you dislike so much, because they won't honestly evaluate what they hear.

It makes me wonder if people want the truth, or if they simply want their beliefs confirmed (true or not).

Anyway, I mostly wanted to say I agree with you.