Friday, March 23, 2007

My 40th Post!

This feels like my forth, but apparently it's my forthieth... or blogger can't count. I didn't spend time looking back, but maybe I should.
Anyway, this is a poem about a certain teenager I know, but it applies to many I've met and talked with. And I don't really know if it's any good, but the one person who I know for sure reads my blog will at least be interested in it.

Something tells me you've spent most of your years
running from things no one should see
and, hiding from the monsters
you fear
to take off your mask and live without lies
It could mean everything you've ever known will vanish

And something tells me
your thoughts are riddled with
confusion and questions
and the pain of saying goodbye
to everything you've believed
and lived that caused you to die
threatens to unravel your new life.

Still you can see Someone moving,
changing your being--forming your heart
and you sense His call
More than just a passing pleasure or a flickering dream
forgotten like the dried leaves of fall
more than the best things you've craved
is His dream for your life and all
you've ever lived to believe in
So don't forget--and don't ever let go
because He's holding you
and it's better to believe in the whisper of hope
than to die in the shriveling thorns.

1 comment:

Faith_Trust_Hope said...

Wow - thanks. May I share it?

You have insightfulness on a lot of topics in life.