Thursday, July 11, 2013

Wild Rose

Three years are gone now, memories still bright
Of your jokes and your poems and stories
The laughter in your eyes,
Your generosity and pure love and your peace
Three years have passed since I saw your smile
Or heard your gentle voice say hello
Or watched you wave goodbye.
And my mind knows you’re gone
I feel it in your empty house
But my heart can’t seem to let go.
I wish we’d had more time

I remember you like I’m still a child
Sitting on the couch and listening
And I miss the phone calls and the letters
And slow Scrabble games at the table
And those blue bonnet eyes, glistening

To me you were always like a wild rose
A beauty that struggled and grew in the wiles and the wind
Of Montana wheat
The thorns did not hurt you, but held you up
And with your faith you did not wither
You were my grandma but also my friend
Shining bright in the prairie sun

And this is the way I’ll always remember you
Sitting there at the kitchen table, coffee in hand
Taking  a moment to sit with me
Telling stories from your childhood, about life on the homestead
Your wrinkled hands holding postcards and pictures
Or your fingers clacking away on the keyboard in the den
And how you always invited me in
To your kitchen of  that patchwork palace in the prairie
Where you worked and wrote and welcomed
I remember Grandma Dorothy, red hair blowing in the wind

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