Sunday, September 09, 2012

Wekk 25

For most people in most pregnancies, it's just another week. Not a milestone. Not a big deal. No appointments.
For me, it's full of anxiety and painful memories. On Thursday it will be over.
I haven't thought as much about that pregnancy this time around. But I went in to the dr. for my appointment, thankful that I could see him this week AND have an ultrasound (they couldn't see the spine last time). I consider it a mercy from God, to set me off into the worst week without wondering if something already went amuck.
It's been good, and the baby is still kicking. This is a very active baby, which is great. Whenever I wonder if things are OK, Baby Bats just kicks or moves. I love it!
Week 25, four days left. After that, I will breathe easier.


Faith_Trust_Hope said...

Glad your baby kicks and is already obedient to God's nudges :)

Katrina Custer said...

I don't know if I ever said Congratulations, friend! Praying for a smooth pregnancy and God's hand on the little one already. Also, I feel very much like you on the Pinterest stuff: definitely overwhelming.

Tiffanie Lloyd said...

Love you.